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Vehicle light lenses are a basic item in a vehicle’s bodywork, which, due to their exposure and manufacturing material (polycarbonate, thermoplastic material) can be subject to wear over time. Therefore, headlight repair and maintenance is a regular job at bodywork and paint shops.

Heat, cold, rain, dust or small stone chip projections on the surface can damage the correct functioning of headlights, resulting in small damage or flaws in the form of scratches, scrapes or dirt. In addition, the proper maintenance of light lenses is a key aspect that must be assessed during the vehicle’s technical inspection.


    Steps for repairing vehicle headlights

    When light lenses have a deteriorated and yellowish appearance, with more pronounced scratches and flaws, polishing will not suffice to restore them to their original condition. Therefore, this tutorial will focus on a headlight repair process from scratch.

    faros coche equipo reparacion

    Using simple techniques and the right products will make you recover their initial appearance and quality, providing the headlights the brightness they had at origin. Let us see all the steps to take for an effective and lasting repair.

    1. Preparing the surface

    First of all, protect the surface around the headlight with duct tape, in order prevent damaging adjacent parts.

    1 preparacion paso superficie

    2. Cleaning and degreasing the light lenses

    Clean and degrease the light lenses thoroughly using a special plastic degreaser such as URKI-SOL 94.

    Proper cleaning will help you carry out a much more effective repair.

    plastico 2 limpieza paso faro

    3. Sanding headlights with P600

    Remove the scratches and scuffs from the headlights by sanding.

    Sand the light lenses with a P600 sandpaper. This step can be done either with a sanding machine or manually. Special care must be taken not to generate sanding marks that may be visible after applying the clear coat.

    lijado p600

    4. Cleaning and degreasing the light lenses

    Then, clean the surface of the headlights with an air gun and degrease them to check that the yellowish colour and surface damage have been removed. If not, sand the surface again until the defects disappear.

    5 lijado limpieza paso desengrase min

    5. Sanding with P800

    Finish the sanding process with a P800 sandpaper to smoothen the surface.

    4 paso faro p800 lijado

    6. Degreasing the sanded surface

    Apply plastic degreaser again to remove any dust generated during the sanding process.

    coche plasticos desengrasante optica

    7. Mask and wipe off any remaining dust

    Properly mask the area around the headlight. To do this, use masking tape and tape plus plastic.

    To make sure there are no particles left on the surface, degrease the headlights again with a dust cloth.

    faro enmascarar paso 6

    8. Clear coating light lenses

    As a final step, clear coat the headlight surface. To do this, use a 2-component spray clear coat such as BESAGLASS. This clear coat provides excellent gloss, levelling, transparency and quick drying.

    To harden the spray clear coat, shake it and remove the lower cover, pull the ring and turn it 360 degrees.
    Finally, apply the clear coat evenly and uniformly over the entire headlight surface.

    aplicar barniz coche paso faros 8

    9. Final results

    Follow these steps to give the headlights their original transparency, providing both great protection and durability.

    reparacion resultado faros